
The end of the year is filled with holidays, celebrations, and spending time with loved ones. Because of this, the schedule is hectic. Stress in planning activities And holiday snacks are plentiful.

People at holiday-decorated tables and women with plates in hand, ready to serve guests.
Ground images/Shutterstock

Sticking to health goals during this time can be challenging. This might make you feel ready for a new start in the new year. While it can be tempting to limit all of your favorite holiday treats, But this can often backfire and lead to overeating.

Finding balance during the holiday season is possible if you practice a few key tips, like mindful eating. Planning ahead And don’t limit yourself too much.

Read on to learn the most effective tips for healthy eating during the holidays from a registered dietitian.

9 Tips for a Balanced Holiday Eating

If you find yourself in a pattern of eating sweets and other foods. Too much during each holiday season that only comes around once a year. You are not alone.

Following these simple tips These will help you eat a balanced and mindful holiday diet. Make you feel your best

1. Plan ahead

The first step is to set realistic goals for the holiday season. Think about what helps you feel your best. Whether eating at home Taking regular walks or good sleep

Allow flexibility in your health goals. Knowing that this is a busy time of year and you may not have a regular schedule.

For example, maybe you consciously look at your calendar each week and plan to cook at home on days when you’re not socializing.

2. Eat mindfully

Mindful eating is the art of slowing down and paying attention to what your body is telling you before, during, and after eating (1). You can practice this by taking into account natural hunger and satiety preferences during the holidays.

Focus on eating regular meals throughout the day. And avoid skipping meals in preparation for a big celebration. Restricting yourself during the day can leave you too hungry and unable to listen to your fullness signals or create a balanced plate later.

Try to eat slowly. and check for fullness throughout the meal Know that you can leave food on your plate if you feel comfortable with it.

Give yourself permission to enjoy your favorite snacks in moderation. If you cook something beyond the limit Controlling your intake can become difficult when you decide to indulge (2).

3. Add Nutrient-Dense Foods

Instead, eliminate foods from your diet. Instead, focus on the how. increase Foods that are more nutrient dense Eating regular balanced meals and snacks can help you control your portions of less nutritious foods without feeling restricted.

Try new holiday recipes. That includes whole, unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains, such as:

4. Take leftovers home.

Delicious food options The abundance of holiday social gatherings can make it all too easy to indulge. Moreover, well-intentioned loved ones often pressure food. All gone.

Join social work thinking you can take leftovers home. If you’re full But I still want a slice of pumpkin pie. You can take it home to eat the next day.

It can also prevent overeating because you’ll know that this event isn’t your only opportunity to enjoy a special meal.

5. Reduce grazing to a minimum.

Holiday activities are often filled with snacks and appetizers. Socializing can be a distraction. This can cause you to snack irrationally. As a result, you may feel full before your main meal. This can lead to overeating.

Try to make snack plates to eat instead of eating directly from the plate. You can always go back and eat more if you’re still hungry. But this will help you be mindful of your consumption.

6. Keep your body hydrated

A busy holiday schedule can make it difficult to stay hydrated throughout the day. Drinking enough water can help promote healthy digestion and prevent headaches (3).

Also, be mindful of holiday drinks that contain alcohol or added sugar. Remember that alcohol moderation is one drink or less per day for women. and two drinks or less per day for men (4).

Enjoy these in moderation and focus on low- or no-sugar beverages, such as:

7. Stay alert

Staying active during the holidays can help you manage stress. improve sleep (5) However, maintaining your daily routine can be challenging when your schedule is filled with social events and activities.

Think of small ways to do things. Each day, more And focus on the type of exercise you enjoy. Instead of seeing it as a chore or a punishment.

Incorporate exercise into your vacation routine by planning fun, family-friendly workouts and activities such as:

  • Take an evening stroll to see the holiday lights.
  • Stroll through the mall during your shopping holiday.
  • Register to run for fun during the holidays with your family.
  • Book a yoga class with a friend visiting from out of town.
  • Enjoy a nature walk with the changing leaves.

8. Manage stress

Stress can run high during the holiday season. From family dynamics to organized activities, for some people stress can lead to overeating. Especially desserts (6)

Try to set aside time to take care of yourself. Set health boundaries And prioritize sleep this holiday season.

9. Be kind to yourself.

The holidays are a time of happiness and love. And that includes being kind to yourself. Give yourself permission to enjoy the season without feeling guilty about your food choices.

You can find a healthy balance and focus on your well-being during the holidays without limiting your favorite foods. Practice mindfulness in controlling your diet and lifestyle. And know that it’s okay to make mistakes in this process.


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