
Ricochet, a female Golden Retriever and four-legged superhero, has been taking the world by storm since she was a 6-week-old puppy bouncing off walls. Launched himself into the goal of life and received the same name as her. I’m not sure what I like most about this war dog. The fact that she can play hot dogs on a boogie board. The idea that she was a dog Or is she just you? Prepare yourself. This will give you some serious feels, because Ricochet does more than just surf.

ricochetIn short, Ricki was born to be a service dog. Truly. She was born in a program called Puppy Prodigies Neo-Natal & Early Learning Program Located in San Diego County. California This is her trainer. Judy Fridono Specializes in early learning and development of potential service dogs.

Ricochet Dog Surfing

Ricochet is trained to be a service dog for people with disabilities. She is good at training. Show empathy and control. But at 9 months old, she showed a strong will to define her own purpose in life. to become Serve Dog. Ricochet decided that she had many lessons to teach us.

Ricochet Dog Surfing

We all have dreams, and Ricochet’s is about bringing service dogs into a whole new world. At just eight weeks old She climbed onto the boogie board in the kiddie pool. And the rest is history. From the children’s pool to the ocean She soon progressed to the point where she no longer needed human assistance. In 2009, she entered her first surf dog. contest And before you know it Judy was also an audience member for Ricochet, showing off her skills to a large crowd full of promoters and even professional surfers.

(clickToTweet tweet=”We all have dreams. And Ricochet’s dream is to put service dogs in a new light. #inspiration” quote=”We all have dreams. and Ricochet’s dream is to take service dogs into a whole new perspective.”)

Ricochet wins in surfing dog race

Now you might be thinking that this is the end of her story. Guess again. Her true calling is very close now, she can taste it.

By teaching himself to surf, Ricochet was just the tip of the iceberg. of her destiny only One day while in the ocean She jumped at the opportunity to communicate her mission. On her own volition, Ricochet jumped on a surfboard with her instructor, 14-year-old hemiplegic boy Judy. Tells about the experience of watching Ricochet surfing with this disabled boy. “It’s like being reborn in water.”

That child is Patrick Ivison – When he was 14 months old, Patrick was hit by a car. Injured to the spinal cord and was diagnosed as hemiplegic. Patrick has a dream of one day walking across the stage at his high school graduation to receive his diploma. Ricochet raised $10,000 to help fund his recovery. Thanks to the Rose Foundation, Patrick DID be able to walk across that stage. And Ricochet was there too. watch.

Ricochet Dog Surfing

Ricochet Dog Surfing

Ricochet Dog Surfing

Judy beams as she describes her gifted pup’s ability to “Adjust her surfing style based on her individual disability.”

Anyone who has a dog as a companion can attest to their unique ability to pick up emotional and physical signals from humans with whom they have developed strong bonds. Ricochet shows this instinct with strangers. They identify with emotions such as anxiety, pain, and stress. Judy explains that Ricochet tends to imitate their feelings and emotions. It is a way of communicating what the person is feeling.

Ricochet's work with veterans

“Ricochet is the only SURFice dog in the world that interacts and surfs with children with special needs, the disabled, and wounded warriors. and veterans with PTSD as assistants and paw-healers.”

Judy believes that all animals have instincts and communicate this gift in unique ways. She continued: “We often misunderstand their ability to mirror our emotions. and misunderstand that their behavior is bad or unruly If you missed this We lose that magical, unconditional bond.” Dogs are always communicating. If we let them teach us their purpose.

(clickToTweet tweet=”Dogs are always communicating with each other. If we let them teach us their purpose #ricochet #surf #dog” quote=”Dogs are always communicating. if we let them teach us their purpose.”)

Ricochet on a surfing mission

This human-dog team continues on its mission to “Helps people understand animal perception and consciousness.”

So what is a SURFice dog? “Our mission SURFice Dog Initiative It exists to help Ricochet achieve his ultimate goal of serving as a SURFice dog and helping people with disabilities. Children with special needs wounded warrior and veterans with PTSD.” Although Judy likes to give most of the credit to Ricochet, we can’t forget that without her hard-earned human work. was unable to achieve these milestones. It is amazing what they have achieved together as a team.

Thanks for Ricochet.Ricochet Dog Surfing

Ricochet is so famous that she even has her own. Paw Palazzi – You can find her in blockbuster movies, documentaries, and film festivals. sports competition and has appeared in thousands of local, regional, national and international media outlets.

Ricochet Surfing Dog

This story wouldn’t be complete without the viral video that brought Ricochet into our homes and hearts. Just showing us who she was meant to be all along (take your kleenex):


You can explore their stories further. Support her current fundraising efforts. and follow their journey at www.surfdogricochet.com

Follow Ricochet at Facebook Twitter

Judy has also written She has a “pawtobiography” about her adventures with Ricochet. You can find out more and get a copy here:

Stay tuned…all we know is Ricochet has a lot of life to change. There’s a story to tell. And there are still many activities to do.


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