
Finally! We have SUN this weekend, finally, real honest sunshine. I think it was actually the first sunny weekend in months. Mind you, everything is still wet outside, which makes Rosie purr slightly, but the abundance of green also means all kinds of life, and therefore plenty to explore. That reminds me… Tabs loved weekends like this. Here is one from his time.

Even wet paws couldn’t stop Inspector Tabby from making his rounds this morning. He meticulously inspected every inch of the circle, looking for perpetrators and intruders, but found none.

He did find something lurking around one of the houses nearby…

I don’t know what it was, but he perked up, pointed and hissed to show who was boss.

Check every nook and cranny this time too. It was pretty early, about 6:30, so the birds were chirping like crazy, but no one was out.

He did a few hundred push-ups next to one of his favorite trees because he likes to stay strong…

And he smelled something in or around a very large bush. He sensually sniffed it for a few minutes before a distant dog’s bark woke him from his reverie…

Another Saturday in a patrol car. 🙂

Your friendly beauty addict,

Karen and Tubbs


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