
Does your hair always seem dry even though you try to moisturize it?

Does your hair seem unable to retain moisture?

If you answered yes to any of these questions. You must read this article.

To make your hair more moisturized and healthy It is essential that you learn about hair porosity.

In this article, I will share with you how and why you need to understand hair porosity. I will also tell you what the pores of the hair are. And what can you do?

What is hair porosity and its level?

In the beginning It is important to create a common understanding of what hair pores are.

Simply put, hair porosity is the hair’s ability to retain moisture.

However, we all have a unique hair porosity that generally falls within one of three levels: low, medium, and high hair porosity.

low porosity hair

If you find that the products you use on your hair are not easily absorbed and tend to just stay on the hair. You may have low porosity hair.

If your hair looks moisturized but feels dry? That means your hair may have a low level of porosity. and the hair’s cuticle closes tightly which makes moisture easily absorbed

Low porosity hair is difficult to process because it repels water and resists chemical penetration.

I have medium pores.

If your hair retains moisture and absorbs chemicals and dyes better, Shows that you have medium porous hair.

This means that your cuticles are lifted enough to absorb moisture, oil, and other chemicals. in sufficient quantity Hair with medium porosity usually requires minimal maintenance.

Occasional protein treatments and deep conditioning are helpful. But you don’t need protein for your daily hair care.

I have high porosity.

Highly porous hair can be caused by chemical processing. rough treatment or damage to the environment.

Additionally, hair with high porosity has gaps in the cuticle. This leaves your hair with too much moisture. and tends to frizz and tangle in warm weather.

Even simple actions like showering, swimming, and washing your hair can cause more damage and breakage. This is due to the amount of moisture that hair, which is highly porous, can absorb.

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How to find your level

The above questions will give you a good starting point to start your research into your hair’s porosity.

However, to be more specific, I recommend doing two tests. There are two easy ways. That will help you know the level of porosity of your hair.

It’s important to note that these tests aren’t 100% accurate, but they’re a good way to start:

  1. Strand Test: To do this Run your thumb and index finger along the hair. If it feels smooth when you touch your finger Your hair may also have a low porosity level if it feels rough and bumpy. Your hair may be very porous.
  2. Cup testing: To do this, add one cup of room temperature water. There should be a glass cup that you can look through. Pick up some of the hair that is already on your brush or comb. Drop a few strands of hair into the cup and wait for 2-4 minutes. If the hair falls out immediately, Shows that you have high porosity. If your hair doesn’t sink at all Shows that you have low porosity hair.

Here’s what you can do.

Low porosity hair tips:

If you have low porosity You can do something about this. Using a steamer or body heater with a plastic cap when conditioning or using a moisturizer will help open the closed cuticle layer. This will allow moisture to penetrate into the hair.

Tips for medium porous hair:

If your hair falls into this category Well, there are some things you can do.

Occasionally deep conditioning with a protein conditioner may benefit medium-porous hair. But protein should not be included in your daily treatment plan.

Tips for Highly Porous Hair:

For this type of hair Using a leave-in conditioner is very helpful as it tends to lose moisture.

Applying layers of moisturizer (butter, lotion, etc.) and sealing agent (oil) can help lock in the moisture you’ve added.

Try Quench Collection for a complete hair care system to support healthy pores to hydrate and nourish hair to support healthier hair growth.

You will need a moisture barrier if you live in a climate with high heat and humidity levels.

This helps close the damaged cuticle and prevents it from absorbing excess moisture in the air.

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Brandelyn Green is the founder of VoiceOfHair, a platform that helps women of color discover the best hair products, treatments, and styles! Since starting VoiceOfHair in 2014, she has grown her social media platform to over 1MM+ on Instagram and Facebook. So she wanted to create a platform where people could find the best products, hairstylists, advice and trends.

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