
This delicious and healthy rice milk recipe is made from whole brown rice. natural sweeteners And plant a little with fresh lemon juice.

Fermented rice milk in a glass on a wooden counter

This cultured drink is simple, juiced rice water, which has both medicinal and dietary benefits.

My version is inspired by the Nourishing Traditions cookbook.

The recipe in NT uses liquid whey as a starter, however I have used lemon juice instead for many years to make the drink dairy-free when needed.

If your child is allergic to coconut and dairy products Traditional rice milk also works well. Avoid sugary, nutrient-free food from stores that come in toxic containers!

An alternative to fresh lemon juice is homemade apple cider vinegar. If you buy ACV instead, make sure it’s raw and packaged in a glass.

I think the flavor of the recipe comes out better with lemon juice.

Wild rice option

If you like unfermented beverages This wild rice milk recipe uses soaked rice instead of fermenting it. This makes the rice digestible without the slightly sour taste typical of cultured foods.

This is because wild rice is technically not a grain. Using brown rice instead is suitable for those following a grain-free diet.

Fermented rice milk in a glass on a wooden counter

A little fermented rice milk

Rice milk recipe that is delicious and healthy. Made from whole grain brown rice natural sweeteners Marinate slightly with fresh lemon juice.

Total time 2 day 3 hour


  1. Cook the rice in filtered water, covered, until the rice is mushy. This will take several hours.

  2. Mix the rice and remaining liquid together in a food processor until well combined.

  3. Place the liquid ingredients in a glass pitcher with sea salt and lemon juice or cider vinegar. Close the lid tightly and leave on the counter for 1-2 days, refrigerated.

  4. Serve mixed with honey and cinnamon. and dilute with enough filtered water to achieve the desired consistency. Please note that honey is suitable only for children over 1 year old.

Cultured brown rice milk in a glass on a wooden table


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