
World peace is defined as a state of freedom and happiness between people of all nations. At my school, County College of Morris, professors encourage students to create work with the aim of spreading the message of world peace and human connection among people around the world. Since July 2014, I have been very fortunate to have the yoga community impact my life in beautiful ways, so in creating We the Peace Movement, I thought, what better way than to spread the message of world peace? More than doing the one thing that brings peace to all of us?

(clickToTweet tweet=”We started practicing #yoga for different reasons. But we remain the same.” quote=”We start practicing yoga for different reasons. But we continue for the same thing.”)

We all may start practicing yoga for different reasons. But we continue to practice yoga for the same reason. It is not only for people that this practice enters our lives. But also how we feel both physically and emotionally. The word yoga literally means unity. It is the link between movement and breath. Brings calm and connection and perfection throughout the body

Yoga by Alana Sereno

Photo: “Alana Sereno”

Due to recent events I have seen the devastation of relationships destroyed because of social media. Friends don’t talk to each other. And families are being torn apart at a time when we should be coming together more than ever. In the same way that the body becomes more harmonious when movement and breath are connected. We as a species will be more harmonious when we come together to help one another. Many years ago I am truly honored to see how the yoga community has brought together people from all over the world. and heal countless hearts Including my own heart. I have seen the most beautiful relationships in all their forms. And our shared love of bringing these communities together is a stronger force than ever before.

Can yoga bring peace to the world?

Photo: “Alana Sereno”

When I start to move I asked three of my dearest friends I met through the yoga community to help me spread this message: Lauren Murray, Jozi Tatham, and Nadia Aksar have all had an incredible impact on my life and the lives of everyone they meet.

I created a movement sequence that included expressive and open-minded poses. and share the moves with these three teachers. in bringing the foundations of the project together Each of us has brought our tribe together to make this trend a reality. In doing so We can begin to spread the message of world peace from coast to coast. It offers free classes in New Jersey, Wisconsin, California and Colorado.

In addition to creating the sequence I also created a post about Instagram Ask people you see to take photos of them doing yoga poses with their loved ones. and in the caption of the picture Write down one thing you like about that person. Using hashtags #WeThePeaceMovement The person who posted the photo tagged someone who did the same thing. with the people they love As they continue to spread awareness of the project and a positive message about the importance of us coming together. Social media has brought together people from all over the world. Even at the beginning of the movement It helps us connect with beautiful new souls who also believe in the power of community.

Can yoga bring peace to the world?

Photo: “Alana Sereno”

World peace may sound like a daunting ambition. Things we feel are too big for just a handful of people to be born. But I don’t agree. I believe that if even a handful of strong like-minded people The same goes for everyone who has helped bring this movement together. Distribute a message to one person and that person tells another person And that person tells another person. And that message continues to spread. We have the ability to spread this message around the world. Margaret Mead is a cultural anthropologist famous for changing the way we view different cultures. Including our own society, said, “Don’t doubt that a small group of citizens Who have ideas and determination can change the world. Literally, it was the only thing that ever existed.”

(clickToTweet tweet=”Small group of citizens who have ideas and determination #CanChangeTheWorld – Mead” words=”There is no doubt that a small group of citizens who have ideas and determination can change the world – Margaret Mead”)

To be successful  We have to believe that we can do it first.

Photo: “Alana Sereno”

We want this movement to not only be something that is a result of We The Peace Movement, but also something that we continue to continue and spread the message from our mats and on them as Yoga Sutra 1.33 teaches. Let us cultivate a friendly attitude towards those who are happy. Compassion for those who are unhappy and rejoice in those who are virtuous in order to create inner peace. By allowing daily practices of peace to flow through us. We let it flow to other people we meet. So when we start moving We move with purpose. Let yoga fill your life. Let your actions be guided by love. And you will continue to spread world peace through your movement. Because in the end We are also a movement of peace through yoga.


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