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You want to become a makeup artist.

It’s not easy to get started as a makeup artist. I started a long time ago and training has changed a lot since then.

It is very important to go to school and go through a year of training to understand all the parts or makeup.

Many people do amazing makeup on themselves and it makes them think they can become a makeup artist after 1 week at school.

That’s not the case, you have to be an artist, not just be able to do makeup. You have to see it, feel it and create it.

What people don’t know is that underneath all the glitter and colors of beautiful makeup is a makeup artist who has had to give up so much just to make others look and feel beautiful. For starters, makeup artists don’t start their careers the moment they pick up a brush

It’s never that easy. But just because it’s not easy doesn’t mean it’s impossible, it’s your passion. I have the best job in the world, it’s my life and my passion.

  1. You will work for free at first

It is no surprise that you will need to start this way, you need to build your portfolio and this is how you will need to exchange your photography services. This way, you will be able to show your future clients what a superior job you are capable of.

Some days you work, some days you don’t

It may seem like a dream, it can be quite difficult to work as a freelance makeup artist. Days off are great, but in this world you have to keep hustling, and days off mean no projects and clients, which means no pay!

Your day can start early and end late

Being a makeup artist is completely different from a 9 to 5 desk job, you will have to sacrifice a whole day or two or more if you are working on a long project. Having special occasions such as a deadline will mean that you will be expected to start hours before anyone else and stay with the team until the end.

Customers assume that they will love any of your makeup looks

The pressure is on you as the makeup artist. You will be working with people from all over the world and to expect that you will get along with every person is unrealistic, you will meet clients who are demanding and clients who are easier. As long as you ask all the important questions before starting work and always give your client 110%, you’ll always know you did your best.

Being a makeup artist is an investment

As usual, makeup artists are expected to have a magical case full of high quality makeup. And as you all know, good makeup is expensive. So a great offer would be after you attend makeup school for a year, you can get great discounts.

If you have great credit for work, you can apply and get discounts.

But since you’ll be doing work you absolutely love every day, it’s all worth it

Before I go to work I am excited and I love what I do, I have traveled the world doing what I love and I can’t wait to continue doing it for many more years to come.

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