4 keys to weight loss


program, you will have a slimmer figure.
Create a foundation
Many people start a weight loss program with their basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy (calories) the body uses in its resting state in the trough. It’s important to increase your BMR so you burn more calories all day, every day. Increase the amount of calories you burn. Increase the amount of fat you lose It makes sense, right? The best way to increase your BMR is to increase your muscle tissue. Women often shudder at the thought of gaining muscle for fear of getting “bulky.” Relax, darling! Gaining that kind of muscle mass is a little more difficult than you might think, and a little muscle mass also helps your body look slimmer. And this is what you want, right?
Program specificity

It’s not just any exercise program. You can lose weight. Just burning calories isn’t good enough. The program must be designed to elicit specific hormonal responses that facilitate weight loss. I will give you some advice…hours and hours of cardio is not the answer!
This one pretty much speaks for itself. Have you ever achieved great things through inconsistent effort? Unless you consider failure to be a great success. You probably don’t think so. You must exercise regularly to get the results you want! I’m amazed how many people put so little effort into an exercise program and complain that they don’t see results. Even the best designed programs are useless if they are not followed consistently.
Again, this one goes without saying. You can’t expect to get a slimmer body by continuing with unhealthy eating habits. This is not to say that you should immediately discard everything in your diet and replace it with one that If it’s “healthy” you’ll suffer and return to your old habits within a month. Practice moderation and avoid overindulgence. Also, remove certain unhealthy foods from your diet at the same time. along with recommending healthy foods as well It’s easier to change and much easier to maintain.

Author: Chad Anderson, CSCS


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