
There are two preventable and potentially damaging reasons people use to justify the fact that they took no action. necessary to achieve the excellent physical results they want to achieve The first is called procrastination. When people procrastinate They usually have excuses for why they are not behaving productively. They feel those excuses are legitimate and try to live a guilt-free life. Maybe they were a valid excuse. But it’s still an excuse!

From the way I see The only way people can’t start taking small but consistent steps to get rid of stubborn fat is if they’re in the grave! We all have the same amount of time in the day. And it is up to us how we use that time. There is no dress rehearsal in life. Therefore, we should all try to use our time as wisely as possible.

The second preventable and potentially destructive reason is called surrender. Surrender makes a person One cannot successfully achieve the fat loss goal. And the only thing they can do is dream of what will happen. and deal with regret and the painful consequences that follow.

(clickToTweet tweet=”I don’t see a good reason for an excuse #weightloss #healthyliving” quote=”I don’t see a good reason for an excuse”)

Clearly, you haven’t given up since you read my words right now, so let’s focus on three of the biggest excuses people use to cover up their procrastination.

Identify all the excuses you’ve used in the past or present that keep you from taking appropriate steps so you can get rid of stubborn, unwanted fat. Remember that these excuses are all forms of procrastination. Afterward, remind yourself of the impact you’ve had by using them. Instead of trying to reach your fat loss goal, I’ll finally give you a few tips that will help you eliminate each of these excuses.

1.Excuses related to time

3 Excuses You Use to Get Fat - Excuse 1

Examples of time-related excuses: In the past, I told myself I didn’t have time to exercise, with my kids, work, and other responsibilities. It seemed impossible to take the time to take care of myself.

An example of how I have been and will continue to be affected by using that excuse: By using excuses related to that time I missed out on 2 years of my life when I could have improved my health while feeling better about myself. If I keep using that excuse I will gain more body fat and will lose additional energy.

Tips from Rich: Ask yourself, how can you not have time?! Making time for exercise should be near the top of your list. of priority Because your body is your most precious treasure. It’s a possession you’ll never be able to replace. Taking the right steps to improve your health and get rid of stubborn fat. You will gain energy and will be more efficient in a day. And the result is Get more done!

Look at your calendar and block out all the time when you have your normal responsibilities. Three 20-minute intervals can now be worn for weight training and cardio on other days of the week. Or even the same day if you want.

If you can’t find time to exercise? You will have to cancel other things that are not very important.

I would also recommend that you exercise comfortably at home as it is more convenient than training in the gym. Be sure to schedule your workouts in advance so you can have peace of mind knowing you’ve fitted them into your schedule.

2. Excuses related to money

3 Excuses You Use to Get Fat - Excuse 2

Examples of money-related excuses: Currently, I don’t have enough money to buy a gym membership and the food I need to lose weight. I can’t take care of myself because I have to take care of my family first.

An example of how I have been and will continue to be affected by using that excuse: By using the excuse of money Now I can’t wear the nice clothes I used to wear if I blame my lack of activity and proper nutrition on a lack of funds. I would get fatter and feel less good about myself. Not only that But I would not have the energy needed to take care of my family.

Tips from Rich: If you don’t have enough money to buy a gym membership. I recommend looking for one that fits your budget. If you are looking to buy home exercise equipment. Think of all the ways you can save money during the month. You can cut back on eating out, drinking coffee, smoking, etc. by cutting out unnecessary expenses until you have the tools you need to reach your fat loss goals.

For proper eating This shouldn’t be a financial problem for you. Since good food typically costs no more than unhealthy alternatives, if it’s a stretch, money-saving coupons may be used to bridge the gap.

If you have a really limited budget I recommend that you invest in a reasonably priced set of free weights, benches, and stability balls. This should have a one-time cost of $200 or less. With this inexpensive option You don’t need to buy a gym membership or more expensive home exercise equipment. And it can also take the necessary actions to get great results from your exercise plan.

3. Energy-related excuses

3 Excuses You Use to Get Fat - Excuse 3

Examples of excuses related to lack of energy: At this time in my life, I don’t have the energy to exercise because of my hectic work schedule.

An example of how I have been and will continue to be affected by that excuse: By making excuses about the lack of energy. I didn’t get any energy that day. And it’s only going to get worse. If I keep using that excuse I am afraid that I will get heavier and as a result my performance will decrease.

Tips from Rich: If you lack energy Realize that there is a reason for that. Is it possible that you have low energy because there aren’t enough activities in your life? A more active body is a more active body! New activities that your body is not used to will force you to become stronger and stronger. Daily activities will become easier as a result.


Hopefully now you have decided to get rid of any excuses. that you are already using to avoid exercising and eating healthy food After standing up to your excuses and abandoning them. Now you are free to take small but consistent steps that will eliminate stubborn fat all over your body!

How can you be sure you will continue to take the correct steps on a regular basis? The answer lies in the next step of rebuilding your body with no excuses!

The above is an excerpt from Rich Tween’s book PFL90 – Ultimate’s Psychology-Based Fat Loss Plan. You can connect with Rich and get the book at PFL90.com

(clickToTweet tweet=”Stop making excuses. Love your life, live a #healthylifestyle. Read @fatlossbyrich #weightloss” quote=”Stop making excuses. love your life live a healthy life”)


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